Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Just a couple of things I wanted to mention.

First, when did the green light stop being the signal for GO? I have no doubt that your problems associated with whatever piece of paper is life altering and/or shattering. But dammit! I'm on my way to Cracker Barrel!!!!!!

And when did all this slow turning start? I understand if you have a narrow driveway and all that jazz. I can respect the need for a careful entry, otherwise you'll tear up all the toys in the yard, and perhaps the children. I'm not going to lose my temper over something that minor, unless I'm on my way to Cracker Barrel.

But when you're on a major highway going 55 miles and hour. You have to get gas, and the entrance into the gas station is big enough to fit a Mack Truck through...literally. So why do you slow down to 1 mile and hour and ease your car up into the gas station? I can respect not wanting to jostle anything inside, but it was a cartoon the way this person slowed down. And it's not like it was spiteful. I don't think. I wasn't on her bumper or anything. That's what was so irritating. I was a good seven or eight car lengths back and had to slam on the brakes.


I'm not very funny.


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